Economic Development: Passage of Emerging Investment Manager’s and Financial Institution Strategy Legislation
Economic Development: Reform of Article 15A Minority and Women Business Enterprises Laws
Gaming: Enact into law the upstate New York Gaming Economic Development Act
Gaming: Passed legislation legalizing daily fantasy sports in New York State
Tax Incentive: Expanded New York State Film and Television Film Tax Credit; a nationally recognized program that has grown from a $25 million to a $420 million/year program
Tax Incentive: Creation of the New York State Post-Production Tax Credit. This program originated as a $7 million allocation and has grown to $25 million. It is the core reason for the explosion of film and television editorial projects in New York.
Music Industry: Creation of the Music Tax Credit Program. This program is intended to center New York as the capital of music recording
Tax: Elimination of sales tax on the New York City Livery
Child Performer Protection Laws: Creation of a protective trust fund and mandate tutors for child performers
Budget: Acquired funding for not-for-profit clients including for the civil legal service and art-related industry clients
Budget: Acquired state and city funding for NYC education employees
Conference Planning: Local Coordinator for the 42nd Annual Legislative Conference, National Black Caucus of State Legislators, Inc.
Grassroots Organizing: Director of the Minority and Women Business Enterprises Coalition, a nonpartisan statewide organization to modernize Article-15a laws
Appointments: Served on Governor Andrew Cuomo's Minority - And Women-Owned Business Enterprise Team